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  1. Install redocusaurus:


npm i --save redocusaurus
  1. Add it as a preset to your docusaurus config and pass options:

    • Pass it a OpenAPI spec URL

      // docusaurus.config.js

      module.exports = {
      // ...
      presets: [
      specs: [
      specUrl: '',
      // ...
    • Pass it a OpenAPI spec local path

      // docusaurus.config.js

      module.exports = {
      // ...
      presets: [
      specs: [
      spec: 'openapi.yaml',
      // ...

The API Doc will be available by default at /api/ path. If you wish to override this path, you may set the routePath option. To skip adding a route altogether, set the addRoute option to false. You will still be able to reference schema elements manually using Schema Imports.

// docusaurus.config.js

module.exports = {
// ...
presets: [
specs: [
id: 'default-route',
// routePath: '/api/',
// addRoute: true,
id: 'route-overridden',
routePath: '/different-path/',
// addRoute: true,
id: 'no-route',
addRoute: false,
// ...

To customize it see full plugin options.